首页 好句好段摘抄 圣诞节的英文句子(合集117句)




1、It’s a white Christmas this year! 今年是一个白色的圣诞节!



4、”Wishing you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.”——祝你和你的亲人们圣诞快乐,新年快乐。


6、Let’s sing Christmas carols together! 让我们一起唱圣诞颂歌!

7、”May your Christmas sparkle with moments of love, togetherness and peace.”——愿你的圣诞闪耀着爱、团聚和平的时刻。

8、”Wishing you a beautiful holiday season and a peaceful and prosperous New Year.”——祝你美好的假期和和平繁荣的新年。

9、Wishing you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

10、Wishing you a magical and blissful holiday season. 愿你拥有一个魔幻般的节日季节!

11、May your Christmas be filled with the beauty of the season and the joy of the holidays.

12、May the miracle of Christmas fill your heart with warmth and love. 愿圣诞奇迹充满你的心,带来温暖和爱。

13、Let’s drink hot cocoa by the fire. 让我们在火炉旁喝热可可。

14、Wishing you a season of blessings and a Merry Christmas! 祝你一季充满祝福的圣诞!


16、May the joy and peace of Christmas be with you all through the year.

17、Sending you warmest wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 祝你圣诞快乐,新年快乐,送上最温暖的祝福。

18、With all good wishes for a brilliant and happy Christmas season Hope things are going all right with you 在这辉煌快乐的圣诞佳节,献上一切美好的祝福!祝一切顺心如意!

19、 圣诞节独特的氛围,会让人们感到一种亲切和温馨的感觉,这也是这个节日的魅力所在。

20、Let’s make a snowman in the backyard! 让我们在后院堆雪人!



22、May the joy of Christmas fill your heart and home with warmth and happiness. 愿圣诞的欢乐充满你的心和家,带来温暖和幸福。


24、Sharing a cup of eggnog with loved ones is a cherished Christmas tradition. 和爱的人分享一杯蛋酒是一项珍贵的圣诞传统。

25、The joy of decorating the house with lights and garlands is a fun family activity.

26、Wishing you a joyous Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year!

27、May the spirit of Christmas fill our hearts with joy and gratitude.

28、concerns during the year 圣诞即将来临,祝你快乐幸福,对你一年来的关心和照顾表示衷心的感谢。

29、”Wishing you a Christmas full of love, happiness and blessings.”——祝你圣诞节充满爱、幸福和祝福。

30、The tradition of hanging stockings by the fireplace and filling them with treats is a beloved Christmas ritual. 在壁炉旁挂上袜子并将其装满美食的传统是一项深受喜爱的圣诞仪式。

31、Christmas traditions vary from family to family and culture to culture.


33、The joy of giving is the true spirit of Christmas. 给予的快乐才是圣诞节真正的精神。

34、To you, my heart filled with gratitude。 Christmas, in fact I still have a lot of word of thanks, to be continued!


36、The intricately designed nativity scene is a symbol of the true meaning of Christmas. 精心设计的圣诞诞生场景是圣诞节真正意义的象征。

37、Hoping your holiday season is blessed with love, joy, and peace. 希望你的假期季节充满爱、欢乐和和平。

38、May your Christmas be merry and bright, and may your New Year be prosperous and filled with blessings. 愿你的圣诞节快乐而明亮,新年繁荣并充满祝福。

39、In this season of joy, I send you heartfelt wishes for a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year. 在这欢乐的季节里,我送给你真诚的祝福,希望你有一个美妙的圣诞和新年快乐。

40、Christmas is a time for reflection and renewal. 圣诞节是反思和更新的时候。


41、The joy of watching loved ones open their presents and sharing that moment together is what makes Christmas special. 观看亲人开礼物并分享这个时刻的喜悦是使圣诞节特别的原因。

42、Have a wonderful Christmas and may it be filled with your favorite things and the people you love. 祝你一个美妙的圣诞节,愿它充满你最喜欢的事物和你所爱的人。

43、”Wishing you a Christmas filled with all the things that make you happy. Merry Christmas!”——祝你的圣诞节有所有让你快乐的事物。圣诞快乐!

44、”May your heart be filled with the warmth and love of Christmas. Merry Christmas!”——愿你的心充满圣诞节的温暖和爱。圣诞快乐!


46、”May your Christmas be as warm and sweet as a cup of hot cocoa by the fireplace.”——愿你的圣诞节像壁炉旁一杯热可可一样温暖甜蜜。


48、Christmas is a time for love and joy.

49、May your Christmas be filled with joy and happiness!

50、May the blessings of the season bring you joy and happiness throughout the coming year. 祝您假日带来的祝福在新年的一整年里带给您欢乐和幸福。

51、The Christmas season is a time to cherish loved ones. 圣诞节是珍爱亲人的时候。

52、The Christmas spirit is contagious and brings people together. 圣诞节的精神是很有感染力的,能够把人们聚集在一起。

53、”I miss the gatherings we used to have on Christmas. The laughter, the warmth, and the love are all gone with you.” – 我想念我们过去在圣诞节时的聚会。那种欢声笑语、温暖和爱已经随着你的离开而消失了。


55、Have a jolly and blessed Christmas filled with love, peace, and goodwill. 祝你一个欢乐和有福的圣诞节,充满爱、和平和善意。

56、Wishing you a blessed Christmas and a wonderful and prosperous New Year!

57、The smell of gingerbread cookies fills the house. 姜饼曲奇的香味充满整个房子。

58、Wishing you a joyous Christmas season and a happy and prosperous New Year!

59、”Christmas used to be my favorite holiday, but now it only brings me sadness and longing for you.” – 圣诞节曾经是我最喜欢的节日,但现在它只会给我带来悲伤和对你的思念。

60、Have a holly jolly Christmas and enjoy the season’s festive cheer! 祝你渡过一个欢乐的圣诞节,享受季节的欢乐气氛!


61、The Christmas story reminds us of the importance of love and forgiveness. 圣诞故事提醒我们爱和宽恕的重要性。

62、May the peace and joy of Christmas be with you always. 愿圣诞节的平安和喜悦永远伴随着你。

63、For this and many Christmas to come 为了这一个,也为了更多即将来临的圣诞节。

64、”May the magic of the holiday season brighten your home and fill your heart with happiness and joy.”——愿节日的魔力照亮你的家,充满幸福和喜悦。


66、The joy of baking and decorating Christmas cookies with loved ones is a cherished memory.

67、May your holiday season be merry and bright!

68、Christmas songs and hymns celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

69、May your heart be filled with the joy of Christmas and may your home be filled with love and warmth. 愿你的心充满圣诞的欢乐,家里充满爱和温暖。

70、It’s the season of love and generosity. Merry Christmas!





75、 在圣诞节,人们喜欢去教堂参加宗教仪式,祈求上帝保佑家庭的平安与幸福。

76、Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 祝你和你的家人圣诞快乐,新年快乐。

77、Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 祝你圣诞快乐,新年快乐!


79、Merry Christmas and best wishes for a happy New Year. 圣诞快乐,祝你新年快乐。

80、Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


81、”Hop on the sleigh and let’s ride our way to a magical Christmas adventure. Happy holidays!”——跳上雪橇,让我们一起去寻找圣诞的魔幻之旅。节日快乐!


83、 圣诞节是一个家庭团聚的时刻,让我们珍惜这个机会,和家人共同度过这个重要的节日。

84、恩爱日新。即便没有一切,只要有爱便足矣。 May the beauty and joy of Christmas remain with you throughout the new year!

85、Christmas shopping can be stressful, but finding the perfect gift is worth it.

86、Wishing you happiness, peace, and prosperity this Christmas and always.

87、 在圣诞节的时候,我们可以给身边的亲朋好友送上祝福,让他们感受到我们的关心和温暖。

88、May your Christmas sparkle with moments of love, laughter and goodwill.

89、May the magic of the Christmas season fill your home with love and peace.

90、The spirit of giving to those in need is an important aspect of the holidays.


92、I wish you a merry Christmas All affection and best wishes to you and yours 以我所有的爱心与真诚祝你及全家圣诞快乐。

93、Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!

94、Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones, and may your holidays be filled with happiness and joy. 祝你和你的亲人圣诞快乐,假期充满幸福和喜悦。

95、The tradition of leaving cookies and milk for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve is one that many families enjoy. 在圣诞前夜给圣诞老人留下饼干和牛奶的传统很受许多家庭的喜爱。


97、Wishing you a season of comfort, joy, and hope. 祝你一个充满舒适、喜悦和希望的季节。

98、May your home be filled with the love of family and the warmth of friends this Christmas season.


100、May the peace and joy of Christmas be with you today and throughout the New Year. 愿圣诞节的平安和欢乐与你同在,直到新年!


101、Have a merry and bright Christmas and a happy New Year! 祝你圣诞快乐,新年快乐!

102、Decorating the Christmas tree with ornaments is a favorite tradition.

103、A special card from your grandson 您的孙子,寄上一张特别的卡片。

104、The snow-covered trees look like they’re from a storybook. 被雪覆盖的树木看起来就像故事书里的一样。

105、Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

106、May all your wishes come true this Christmas and throughout the coming year.

107、The warmth and comfort of snuggling up under a cozy blanket to watch Christmas movies is unbeatable.


109、May your Christmas be a time of happiness, warmth, and love.

110、Christmas is a time for love and generosity. 圣诞节是爱和慷慨的时候。

111、The Christmas lights make everything look magical. 圣诞灯让一切都充满魔力。

112、”The Christmas lights may be bright, but they can never fill the void you left in my heart.” – 虽然圣诞灯光绚烂,但它们永远无法填补你离开后在我心中留下的空白。


114、Streets, everywhere filled with the smell of Christmas, my deeply bless for you, also falls in it。 Have noticed?

115、Sending out Christmas cards to loved ones is a way to spread holiday cheer.

116、Cozy fireside chats with loved ones are a cherished Christmas tradition. 和爱的人在火炉边温馨聊天是一项珍贵的圣诞传统。

117、May your Christmas be merry and bright and your New Year be full of hope and promise.


