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Can I bring any study materials into the examination room for the English listening and sp~~每个人都欣赏不同类型的句子,或许你正在查找类似”考试英语经典句子”这样的内容,欢迎你阅读与收藏。


1、The exam will be cumulative, covering all topics studied in the semester.

2、I think I understand what you’re asking. Let me try to answer it.

3、How can I improve my overall comprehension of spoken English?


5、How can I improve my inference skills while reading?

6、You will be evaluated on your pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary.

7、In my opinion, learning a second language is beneficial for personal growth and career opportunities.

8、How can I know which variety of English is used in the English listening and speaking test?

9、How do you think we can address the issue of poverty?

10、I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that. 对不起,我没有听清楚。

11、I need to study the charts and graphs for the exam.

12、Will I need to provide identification at the testing center?

13、Sorry, I’m not sure how to approach this question. Could you give me a hint?

14、What is the significance of the moral of the story?

15、Can I take a break during the English speaking test?

16、How can I expand my vocabulary?

17、The examiner will ask you some follow-up questions after your speech.

18、How long is the certificate or diploma valid for?

19、Jamie is really good at playing the piano. Jamie真的很擅长弹钢琴。


20、You will be given one point for each correct answer in the reading section.

21、How can I improve my vocabulary usage in speaking and writing?


23、Will there be any change to the English listening and speaking test due to COVID-19?

24、How will I know if I passed the English listening and speaking test?



27、You can improve your grade by working hard and studying for the exam.

28、What are your thoughts on globalization?

29、Do I need to follow any specific format when answering the questions in the listening section?

30、I need to bring a pencil and an eraser for the exam.

31、How many times do I need to speak during the English speaking test?

32、Sorry, I have to think about that one for a moment.

33、I need more time to process the question.

34、Would you like me to explain the instructions to you again? 你需要我再给你解释一遍这些说明吗?

35、Please do not share any exam questions or answers with anyone else.

36、I was relieved when the exam was over and I could finally relax.

37、Can I receive extra credit for performing well on the exam?

38、She always wears stylish clothes. 她总是穿着时尚的衣服。


39、Can you tell me about a time when you had to make a difficult decision?

40、I really enjoyed the museum exhibit yesterday. 昨天我非常喜欢博物馆的展览。

41、Can you suggest ways to improve my understanding of literary terms?

42、You will be given one point for each correct answer in the grammar section.

43、I need more time to think about it.

44、What kind of resources are available for preparing for the exam?

45、The weather is so hot today. 今天天气太热了。

46、How do you think we can promote equality in society?

47、How do you deal with failure or setbacks in your life?

48、Do I need to memorize any specific vocabulary for the English listening test?

49、Can I take the English listening and speaking test online?

50、Could you give me some advice on job hunting? 你能给我一些建议,关于找工作吗?

51、The exam will require a thorough understanding of the subject matter.

52、I’m having trouble understanding the context.

53、I want to learn more strategies for managing my time during the test.

54、Can you identify the use of symbolism in the text?


56、What are your thoughts on the importance of perseverance?

57、Will I be able to re-record my responses during the speaking section?



59、What kind of music do you like? 你喜欢什么样的音乐?

60、The exam will challenge my comprehension skills.

61、Can you rephrase the question, please?

62、Please make sure to turn off your cell phone before the exam begins.

63、Can I ask for clarification during the listening section?

64、I need to double-check my answers before submitting the exam.

65、How does the author use the antagonist to create tension?

66、I was able to use some of the concepts and theories we had learned in class to answer the exam questions.

67、Please make sure to answer all questions to the best of your ability.

68、Could you explain further?

69、Can you give me some more information to work with?

70、Can you teach me some useful phrases in English? 你能教我一些有用的英语短语吗?

71、Can you summarize the key findings of this study?

72、I need to work on my punctuation and sentence structure.

73、Let me make sure I have all the information I need to answer.

74、Can you talk about a time when you had to be adaptable?

75、Can I bring any study materials into the examination room for the English listening and speaking test?


