首页 英文的句子 2人英语情景对话十句 急救2人英语情景对话

2人英语情景对话十句 急救2人英语情景对话


(1).Introductios and Opening Conversations 介绍和开场白

People in the United States don”t always shake hands when they are introduced to one another. However, in a formal or business situation people almost always shake hands.

1.A: Mary, this is Joe”s brother David.

B; I”m very glad to meet you.

C: It”s a pleasure to meet you.

B: How do you like Texas so far?

C: It”s really different from what I expected.

B: Don”t worry. You”ll get used to it in no time.

2.A: Mrs. Smith, I”d like to introduce a friend of mine, Pierre Dubois.

B: How do you do?

C: Hello.

B: What”s your impression of the United States?

C: Well, I can”t get over how different the weather is here.

B: Oh, you”ll get used to it soon!

3.A: Wendy, I”d like you to meet my brother Sam.

B: Hi.

C: Nice to meet you.

B: What do you think of Dallas?

C: Well, I”m still feeling a little homesick and so many things seem strange to me.

B: You”re bound to feel that way at first, I guess.

(2).Special Greetings 节假日的问候

There are eight national holidays celebrated in the United States: New Year”s

Day(Jan.), Washington”s Birthday (Feb.), Memorial Day(May), the Fourth of July, Labor Day(Sep.),Veteran”s Day(Nav.),Thanksgiving(Nov.) and Christmas(Dec.), In addition, there are many state and local holidays.

1. A: Merry Christmas!

B: The same to you!

A: Are you doing anyting special?

B: We”re having some friends over. What are you doing?

A: Oh, I”m just going to take it easy.

2. A: Happy New Year!

B: Thank you! Same to you.

A: Have you got any plans?

B: I”ve been invited over to la friend”s. And you?

A: My reemmate”s having a party.

3. A: Have a nice Thanksgiving!

B: Same to you!

A: Are you going anywhere?

B: I thought about going to my sister”s. How about you?

A: Oh, I”ll probably just stay at home.

(3).Meeting old friends 老友重逢

Many people shake hands when meeting after they havn”t seen each other for a long time.

1. A: I haven”t seen you for ages. You haven”t been sich, have you?

B: No, I”ve been in California for the past month.

A: How nice. Where were you exactly?

B: San Diego. I got back yesterday.

2. A: It”s nice to see you again. Have you chaged jobs?

B: No, I”ve been visiting relatives.

A: That”s nice. Where?

B: I went to visit an uncle of mine in San Francisco.

3. A: You haven”t been around much lately, have you?

B: No, I”ve been away on vacation.

A: Oh? Where were you?

B: Palm Springs. I”ve got a cousin there.

(4).Saying Goodbye 告别

When you”re far from friends and family, you can keep in touch with them by letters, post cards, short notes or phone calls.

1.A: I”ve come to say goodbye.

B: When are you off?

A: I”m flying home on Sunday afternoon.

B: Well, goodbye. See you soon.

A: Please don”t forget to say goodbye to the rest of the family for me.

2.A: I”d like to say goodbye to everyone.

B: What time are you going?

A: My plane leaves at 7:25.

B; Well, goodbye and have a good trip!

A: Goodbye. Remember to look me up if you”re ever in Washington.

3.A; I”m calling to say goodbye.

B: When do you leave?

A: I”m catching the 11:00 train.

B: Take care of yourself and don”t forget to keep in touch.

A: Goodbye. Thanks again for everything.

(5).Saying Thank You 道谢

When someone invites you for dinner, you can bring flowers,candy or a bottle of wine. Sometimes people send a thank you note to the host or hostess a few days after the event.

1.A: I”d better be going.

B: So soon? Why don”t you stay a little longer?

A: I wish I could, but it”s already late.

B: Oh, it”s a shame that you have to leave.

A: Thank you for a wonderful meal.

B: I”m glad you enjoyed it.

2.A: I really must be going now.

B: But you just got here. Can”t you stay a little longer?

A: That”s very nice of you, but I really can”t.

B: Well, it”s too bad that you have to go.

A: Thanks very much. It was a great party!

B: It was our pleasure.

3.A: I think it”s about time we got going.

B: What? Already? Won”t you have more coffee?

A: I”d love to, but I have to get up early tomorrow.

B: Oh! I”m sorry. I wish you could stay.

A: Thank you for a very enjoyable evening.

B: Don”t mention it. I hope you can come again soon.

(6).Asking People to Repeat 请人复述

As long as you ask politely, most people do not mind repeating something you didn”t hear or understand.

1.A: I”m sorry, but I didn”t catch what you said.

B: I said, “Do you want me to help you?”

A: If you”re sure you”re not in a hurry, I can use a lttle help.

B: Would you like me to get you a cab?

2.A: I beg your pardon?

B: I said, “Do you need any help?”

A: That”s very nice of you. I guess I could use some help.

B: Just tell me what you”d like me to do.

3.A: What was that?

B: I said, “Is there anything I can do?”

A: If it”s not too much trouble, I would like some help.

B: It”s no trouble at all. I”ll carry this suitcase for you.

(7).Asking Favors 求助

When you ask for things, it is important to be polite. The intonation that you use in making your request is as important as what you actually say. When you think someone will refuse your request, you can ask the question in such a way that the refusal does not cause embarrassment.

1. A: Is there any chance of my borrowing your type-writer?

B: For how long?

A: Until the end of the week.

B: Yes, I guess that would be all right.

2. A: Would you mind if I borrowed your car?

B: Well, when exactly?

A: Until Monday or Tuesday of next week.

B: I”m sorry, but it”s just not possible.

3. A: Do you think you could lend me some of your records?

B: Until when?

A: Oh, just over the holidays.

B: I”m not sure. I”ll have to think about it.

(8).Giving Compliments 赞美

Friends often compliment one another on clothes, especially if the clothes are new.

1.A: What a beautiful sweater!

B: Do you think it looks good on me?

A: Yes, and it goes beautifully with your pants.

B: You won”t believe it, but it was really cheap.

A: I wish I could find one just like it.

2.A: I like your new coat.

B: Do you think it fits OK?

A: Yes. It looks terrific!

B: I bought it at half price.

A: You were lucky to find it.

3.A: That”s a very nice jacket.

B: Does it really look OK?

A: Yes, and I like the color too. It matches your hat.

B: And I got it on sale.

A: That”s incredible!

(9).Apologizing 道歉

Sometimes it is necessary to tell someone bad news gently.

1.A: I”m afraid I spilled coffee on the tablecloth.

B: Oh, don”t worry about it.

A: I want to apologize. Is there anything I can do?

B: Just forget about it. I never did like it anyway.

2.A: I”m really sorry, but I seem to have misplaced your scarf.

B: Oh, that”s all right.

A: I”m very sorry. Can I get you another one?

B: No. Forget about it. It”s not important.

3.A: I”m sorry, but I can”t find the book you lent me.

B: That”s OK.

A: I really feel bad about it. Let me buy you a new one.

B: No. Don”t be silly. I wouldn”t dream of letting you do that.

(10).Complaining 抱怨

It”s a good idea to be as polite as possible even when complaining about something.

1.A: I wish you wouldn”t play the TV so loud.

B: Sorry. Where you trying to sleep?

A: Yes, And while I think of it, please ask when you want to borrow my records.

B: I”m sorry. You”re right. I should have asked.

2.A: Do you think you could keep the noise down?

B: I”m sorry. Am I keeping you awake?

A: Yes. And another thing, would you mind not making long distance calls.

B: I”m sorry. I thought you wouldn”t mind.

3.A: That radio”s pretty loud. Could you turn it down, please?

B: Sorry. Was I disturbing you?

A: Yes. And something else, please don”t borrow my clothes without asking.

B: Sorry. I guess I wasn”t thinking. I won”t do it again.

(11).The weather 天气

A very common way to start a conversation is to talk about the weather. When you”re traveling, remember that there is considerable variation in climate in the United States.

1.A: Beautiful day, isn”t it?

B: Yes, it”s not like what the radio said at all.

A: I wish it would stay this way for the weekend.

B: As long as it doesn”t snow!

2.A: It seems to be clearing up.

B: It”s such a nice change.

A: I really don”t think this weather will last.

B: Let”s just hope it doesn”t get cold again.

3.A: It looks it”s going to be sunny.

B: Yes, it”s much better than yesterday.

A: They say we”re going to get some rain later.

B: Oh, let”s just hope it stays warm.

(12).Asking for Change 换零钱

It is sometimes difficult toget change without buying something, so it”s a good idea to carry change with you at all times. If you need change, you can buy something inexpensive like candy or a newspaper and ask for the coins you need.

1.A: Excuse me, but could you give me some change?

B: Let me see. Are dimes and quarters OK?

A: I want to make a long distance phone call.

B: Then you”ll need small change.

2.A: Sorry to bother you, but do you have change for a one?

B: I”ll have to look. What do you want it for?

A: I need it for the parking meter.

B: I can give you quarters, if that”ll help.

3.A: Pardon me, but I was wondering if you could break a one.

B: Let me look. What do you need?

A: I need the change for the stamp machine.

B: I think dimes and quarters will do.


A: What did you do today?
B: I went shopping at the mall.
A: What did you buy?
B: I wanted to buy a dress, but did not.
A: Why?
B: Well, they didn”t have a dress my size.
A: I see. What did the dress look like?
B: It was black with white patterns on it. It was very pretty.
A: Maybe you should go to the mall again some other day. They might have stocked your size then.
B: Good idea. That”s what I”ll do.

如何学好英语的情境对话两人 一人十句

1.制定长远目标,明确每节课的学习任务 根据不同学习阶段及自身能力确立一个“跳一跳才能够得着”的长远目标。有了目标就有了学习动力,有了责任感、紧迫感及努力方向。另外还要学会根据不同课型确定每节课的认知小目标,这样一开始上课,就会受到目标的激励,使大脑处于兴奋状态,才能定向注意,专心致志地去主动学习,提高学习效率 .争取课内外各种机会多练习英语 语言不是教会的,而是在使用中学会的。交际能力只能在交际中得到最有效的培养。一个优秀的语言学习者应具有强烈的语言交际的欲望,应力争语言训练的各种机会。应不怕因犯语言错误而被别人讥笑 .课前预习 预习是个人独立的阅读和思考。它可以培养学习者快速阅读抓主旨大意、抓主要信息、依据上下文猜测词义的能力,也可以培养分析综合及归纳概括、自己发现问题及解决问题等能力。预习也像“火力侦察”,可发现疑难引起思考,一方面可促使学习者自己查阅有关资料,查阅字典,另一方面可减少听课的盲目性,增强听课效果 .专心上课,有心识记 上课是学生学习的主渠道,而学好外语的关键是尽一切努力将所学的东西记住,需要时能运用自如。因此,上课时应高度集中注意力.尽量做到五到,即心到、眼到、耳到、口到、手到。应培养瞬间记忆能力,强化“有意注意”,争取就在课内有目标、有意识地去识记该课的生词、短语、句型、重点句子。当接触到该记忆的内容时,应通过眼看、耳听、口念,将其迅速输入到记忆中枢,然后再复现出它的形象。在复现时快速用手指在桌上划出这个单词,或一个长句中最难记的或最重要的单饲,强迫自己在课内就能记住这节课最重要的东西。这样,使自己真正有着“这节课确实学到不少东西”的踏实感、成功感,进而激发动机,提高兴越,更有信心地去继续今后的学习 .勤记笔记 课内扼要记笔记可以帮助集中注意力,理顺思路,增进记忆,锻炼分析归纳、综合概括以及快速反应能力。俗话说“好记性不如烂笔头”。笔记也为日后复习提供一个复习记忆纲要。要学好英语离不开泛读。进行课外阅读时也应扼要记些笔记,做些引、摘录等,这对加深理解、巩固、积累知识,培养学习能力大有好处 .及时、经常、科学地复习 复习是学习之母。要解决困扰学习者最大的知识遗忘问题,只有靠科学的复习。“艾宾浩遗忘曲网”揭示遗忘规律是先快后慢,先多后少。因而从时间安排上讲,复习既要及时又要经常。不仅在当天,而且在第二天、一周后、一月后以及就在你需要用它之前或者在考试前都应安排复习。从复习方法上讲.可采用强化复习(过渡超额复习)、分散复习、集中复习,把新旧知识有机联系起来,按知识内在规律进行综合归类等复习方法,做到温故而知新,而不是简单机械复现,从而更牢固地掌握知识 .学习听力的方法 (1)首先通过大量标淮、规范的。听”,在大脑中建立正确阶听觉形象 ()充分利用外语课,认真听老师讲英语,练习听力 ()争取利用计算机多媒体等现代电教设备,使图像、文字和声音同时提供刺激,在大脑中同时产生听觉、视觉和动觉的形象,这样形成的听觉形象能够更牢固、持久地储存在大脑中 ()精、泛听结合,尽量加大“听”的输入量 .学习口语的方法 (1)经常大声朗读英文.使嘴部肌肉运动能适应英语发音的需要 ()克服伯说错的心理障碍,尽可能争取一切机会开口说英语 ()独自一人时可采用。英语独白”“内心独白”,创设情境,自我扮演不同角色,用自言自语的形式练习说英语 .学习阅读的方法 (1)作好阅读前心理准备,全神贯注地投入阅读 ()克服转动头部指词逐词阅读、回视、复视以及唇读、喉读、心读等不良习惯,运用眼脑直映、扩大视距方法,掌握快速阅读技巧 ()主动、大胆地根据上下文和构词法知识去猜测词义 ()运用略读(skim)、扫读(glance)方法,理解掌握文章大意 ()运用审读(scan)、跳读(skip)技能,快速所需特定信息 ()精、泛读结合,多信息、高密度加大“读”的输入量。精、泛读量之比至少为1: 10.学习写作的方法 (1)从写正确单句人手,再从仿写开始.并结合课文进行缩写、改写练习 ()运用周记、日记形式经常练笔 11.记忆单词的方法 掌握足够的词汇是成功运用外语的关键。要解决中学生最头疼的词汇问题,一要靠努力、勤奋,二要讲究记忆的方法和技巧。中学生最常用的方法有以下几种 (1)把单词的音、形、义结合起来,利用读音规则“听音写形”记忆单词 ()利用合成、派生、转化构词法规则记忆单词,扩大词汇量 ()记单词时要眼看、口念、耳听、脑记,且要动手,可以书空,运动记忆,五官能并用,效果最好 ()利用最佳时刻记忆法,强化单词记忆。多数人最佳记忆时间为早、晚即每天的两端时间 ()运用形—义联想记忆法记单词。例如eye可想像y为鼻子,而两个e为左、右两只限睛 ()运用音—义联想记忆法记单词。例如tomb的读音为Etu:m],很像“土墓”,进而联想出“坟墓”的含义 ()利用分类归纳法记单词 ()利用同义词、反义词、同族词等对比联想记忆法记单词 ‘ ()运用阅读记忆法,在上下文中复习旧单词,学习新单词 (10)制作生词小片,随身携带,采取打碎敲、游击战方式记忆单词 (11)运用循环记忆方法。强化单 记忆。战胜遗亡: 1.考试的策略和方法 顺利通过各类英语考试是整体学习能力的一部分;要取得考试的好成绩,临考前要消除紧张心理,树立信心;对所学过知识全面复习;对平时作业、测试中的错误作彻底清查。考试时分秒必争;按先易后难顺序答题;检查时则从大分值题先检查起。除以上一般考试策略外,还应重点研究大型考试专项题型的解题思路和技巧。以下就是笔者所调查的几位英语学习成功者共同采用的解题方法 (1)解答阅读理解多项选择测试题的方法 先边猜边跳读,尽快地扫视全文,了解概貌,然后一词不漏、准确地弄清考题,再带着考题要求复读、寻找文中有关部分,做到选择答案不离原文,取舍有据;解答文章寓意、深层含义等题应按作者思路、逻辑推理,不钻牛角尖;解答有关文章话题时,则可从归纳各段大意人手,“多段提及方为主旨” ()解答完形填空题的方法 应先跳过空缺快速阅读全文,力求掌握文章大意;再带着每一个小题的选择项,边看短文边选择。要采取先易后难两步走策略,先 置较难的,去尽快完成上下文一目了然、涉及固定搭配、句型等大部分较易的选择。此时,在快读短文两遍后,对短文已有较完整、深刻理解的基础上,迅速完成剩余难题。最后在重读全文验证答案之后,将全部小题答案一起在答题上涂黑完成。运用此法解题的关键是每步骤过渡要快,不被住 ()解答短文改错题的方法 也应尽快略读全文,边读边注意行文逻辑,此时将注意重点放在检查“一致”上,即检查时态、人称、名词的数及连接副词、连词等是否能保持上下文的连贯一致。再以句为单位先易后难,特别注意句型、习语搭配、冠词、形容词、副词、弓[导定语从句的关系词等常考考点。然后考虑全对、漏词、多词及错词等种情况的比例,并通读全文,验证答案。最后将答案一起在答题上涂黑完成 (三)管理策略 不懂得使用管理方法的学生,从本质上说就是没有方向或机会回顾自己取得的进步和成绩,也没有机会思考未来的目标。因此,管理策略应是学习策略的一个重要组成部分。中学生常用的管理策略如下 1.制定学习计划 计划是实施预定目标、完成学习任务的蓝图。学习者应事先周密安排,策划好在什么时间去做什么,打算怎样做。制订计划应切合实际,科学合理并留有余地。还应注意科学用脑、劳逸结合,从而保证计划的落实,提高学习效率。顺便说一下,现在我报读的ABC天卞英语的导师说过 如果想征服英语很简单的;必然要有一个适宜的学习环境和进修口语对象,老师水平是关键,东南亚口音重,一定要找欧美籍 发音纯正非常重要,保持逐日口语交流,1对1家教式教学才能有很.好.的学习成果;学习后还要重复复习课程录音音频,把所学知识融会贯通!然后要是真的没有练习对象的状况下,只能上听力室或BBC拿到课外教材阅读,多说多练很快的语境就提升起来,学习效果会非常突飞猛进的 通过实施计划,可以充分、合理、高效地利用时间,磨炼坚强的意志,帮助养成良好的学习习惯 .自我评介 自我测评学习的进步、检测方法的成效和监控学习行为。自己应对学习的成败作出客观、恰当的归因。应充分认识自己的进步、成功,哪怕是自己现在与过去相比所取得的微小进步、点滴成功。要从中得到积极的情绪体验,获得成就感,进而提高自信心。对暂时的失败,则应进行冷静的分析、反思,找出原因,学会自我心理安抚,自我鼓励,减低焦虑,不灰心,不泄气。再通过调控学习策略、学习行为,去争取新的成功 .结合个性特点,选择适合自己的学习策略 目前,中外学者业已确认的独立的学习策略就多达00多种,但尚不能称为最好的、一成不变的学习策略。适合别人的,不一定适合自己;今天适合自己的,明天不一定仍适合自己。因而,应结合不同的学习目的、学习阶段、个性特点,通过思考、对比、调整,去摸适合自己的学习策略和方法。1年广东省高考英语单科第一名的陈茵同学对“我是如何学好英语的”作了如下扼要的描述 我从小就知道学好英语非常有用,一直对英语有浓厚兴趣,觉得学习英语是件非常愉快的事情。我认为学好英语的关键是多读、多背、多听、多说、多写,培养英语语感,不仅按读音规则背单词,也模仿录音带背课文中重点句子和重点段落。高一、高二时,坚持学习、背诵《新概念英语》,每周一课。平时上课时做到眼到、口到、手到、心到,努力在课内记住那些关键词句。用一草稿本尽量记下老师讲的重点内容,包括老师未板书出来的重点,下课后再加以整理。每天晚上都要复习一下当天学习的重点,每两至三课后我再全面复习一次。坚持课前预习,自己用英汉双解词典查找生词的用法并记下典型例句,再预习课文,找出不懂的问题,上课再认真听老师讲解并积极回答老师的提问。我还有一个专门“记错”的笔记本,记下练习、考试中的典型错误供复习时用。我是通过熟背典型例句来学习英语语法的。我还十分重视解题技巧的训练。除学好课本之外,我还在课外学完了《新概念英语》第一、二册的全部课文及第三册的部分课文。我长期订阅了《上海中学生英语》,还喜欢读《1英文》《广州英文早》的体育、文教版,有时看看英语电视节目。高一暑假我还自参加过托福强化学习……。(陈茵同学原为广州执信中学学生,现就读于北京大学国际金融专业。) 1年国际中学生英语能力竞赛广东赛区第一名的许韵同学又是怎样看待“如何学好英语”的呢?下面就是她的表述 我认为英语学得好并不代表有语言天分,事在人为。要清楚自己学习的动机,清楚自己为什么要学英语。只有对英语感兴趣,做到愉快学习才能学好。学习外语一定要持之以恒,切忌“三天打鱼,两天晒网”。毅力、恒心起着十分重要的作用。学习过程中要经常反思,注意与老师沟通,与同学交流学习心得。学英语要开口朗读,多听,多背诵,有利于“脱口而出”。没有输入,怎会有输出。应大量阅读课外材料,最好是英文原版,以培养语感。开始阅读时,可按兴趣选择题材,达到一定水平之后,我就有意识地选读各种层面的材 料,以扩大词汇量、知识面,了解外国文化。除上好每节英语课之外,课后我坚持写英语日记,多用英语练笔;凡有机会就争取与外国人交谈。休闲时间看点英文电视、英文电影,听听英文歌曲,一举两得,学得既轻松又有效……。(许韵同学原为广东省实验中学学生,现就读于广东外语外贸大学。) 从以上陈茵、许韵两位同学的简要描述中,不难发现她们使用的学习策略都包含在本文所列举的学习策略和方法之中。笔者对其他多名优秀中学生的调查,也都证实了这一点。事实告诉我们,只要学生爱学、会学,他们就能学好英语

