首页 英文的句子 唯美英文爱情4字短句



1、放进心里。Put it in your heart.

2、长相厮守。we”ll be together forever.

3、爱你如初。I love you as before.

4、与你共度。With you.

5、长相思守。everlasting longing for each other.

6、天长地久。enduring as the universe.

7、执手相依。Hand in hand.

8、清贫是你。You are poor.

9、郎才女貌。a perfect match between a man and a girl.

10、心心相印。have mutual affinity.

11、白头偕老。live to old age in conjugal bliss.

12、有你足矣。You are enough.

13、心有灵犀。minds think alike.

14、情比金坚。love is stronger than gold.

15、共度一生。spend your life together.

16、非你不嫁。you don”t have to marry.

17、白头相守。we”ll be together in vain.

18、期盼余生。Looking forward to the rest of my life.

19、她是光芒。She is the light.

20、夫唱妇随。the husband to sing and the wife to follow.

21、至死不逾。until death.

22、鸾凤和鸣。a happily married couple.

23、爱在心田。love is in the heart.

24、永结连理。it”s a marriage forever.

